Monday, May 2, 2011

up 5kg

dats rite..i gained 5 kg of body weight in a month..and i called it occupational hazard. The thing is everytime I work abroad, I just could not do sport i.e my usual running at all...hehe I blamed on the frequent working trips. I can lose the 5kg in a month as well if I want to. Running is my only way to cut down the excess fats besides eating small meals five timeas a day...not dieting but eating healthy food. More protein after sports, carbs before. Less sugary and fatty foods. Enough sleep. What else? Frequent sex? hehehe..Anyway, I met friend recently who used to go running with me sometimes. He told me that he is now into cycling and he tried to convert me into cycling hahah, nice try though. I still prefer running coz its easy and cheaper (except for investing on an expensive running shoes, but hey its a one time thingy). Running is in the blood.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Almost half way through

Its April now, come june, then its half way through. Laju banar waktu berlalu. Mermelek mermelek 2012 tia. This year its gonna be an interesting year for me. Alhamdullillah, I got married early March. Dan skrang aku merasa grogi (nervous) kerna isteri ku telat... hehehe. Insya'allah I will find out soon. And mudah2an ada rezeki. Nya kawan ku siok tu nya melalui proses selama 9 bulan atu sebagai suami. I bet. Semoga semua nya berjalan lancar dnn selamat. I will keep everyone posted.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

De-activating fb

Yeah, just temporary and just want to find out how it feels to be without fb at least a day, two days or more. At least nda ASMO hehehe. But, maybe I will re-activate my twitter again. Its been a while jua. FB is half dead. heheh. Nuthing new. Just like Astro, I feel its no longer appealing even though its now Astro Beyond HD whatever thingy they call it. Ku rasa sama jua only that you can record it, pause it blablabla..but good thing about its in HD. In the end, I come down to reading books. More satisfying, more intriguing. I never get bored with reading. Sayang skali, Bruneians are lagging behind in this reading culture. Parents schould encourage more theirs kids to read, to love it and make it a passion. Reading is information, information is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Go go power ranger. Nah! hahaha...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Its a new beginning

Its been a while nda update blog ani. Alhamdullillah, everything is fine and well. Mudahan2 an kitani semua berada di dalam baik dan perlindungan NYA jua. Anyway, insya'allah aku kan update blog ani at least once a day or kalau inda pun every other day, dlm bahasa thai nya wan wen wan..hehe.
Life is hectic as usual. Traveling is no longer an option. Masa ani work traveling pun at least twice a month if not three times. It sounds fun though at first it was. But now its tiring. However, aku bersyukur that I met my wife while I was traveling to Jakarta. We got engaged in October 2010 and just got married on 28 and 29 Rabiulawal 1432 ( 2 kali nikah, don't ask why..hehe) and a small wedding reception at Jayakarta Hotel on 30 Rabiulawal.
I apologise to friends and other extended families for not telling and inviting ah. I just want a private wedding (mcm selebriti jua rasa ku kan mau private2 segala..heheh) And Alhamdulillah it went well. My aunts, uncles and cuzen were all surprised and they are all happy for me, some cried of joy.
Anyway, this is a new beginning for me. I love you all.

Me, her and Tom