Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tais liur..
2009 Thai Cowgirls?
ATV Thrill - 1,459m view
The beautiful view from 1,459m high hill. I enjoyed the fresh air as much as I could. The ATV ride is worth the money though it cost me B$80, I think it doesn't matter coz sioooooooooook kali ah. I'll never get this in Brunei. Life is good.
ATV Thrill - Trailing behind 3
eh cana boleh kediaku ada ani..hehe..terkezut I..hahaha..anyway, I don't why we stopped in the middle of nowhere..
ATV Thrill PART 5
ATV Thrill - Trailing behind 1
Yeah..I've done one out of the three things that I wanna do before the new year arrive. I wanna do the shooting experience today as well but I'm a bit tired after the ATV thrill. Anyway, the ATV ride was awesomely, extremely, amazingly fun...wooohooo...I totally enjoyed it. It was a perfect way to spend the last day of the year 2008. How I wish we have this ATV thrill in Brunei..doing it at the beach is just plain boring.
ATV Thrill PART 1
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Something to share - Nazar
Setiap pergerakan, langkah dan perjalanan kita di muka bumi ini telah ditentukan oleh Allah S.W.T iaitu qada dan qadar-Nya. Maka tidaklah menjadi suatu yang menghairankan jika sesuatu yang tidak disangka-sangka tiba-tiba berlaku ke atas diri kita sama ada yang baik atau sebaliknya.
Namun begitu kita sebagai hamba-NYA mempunyai hak untuk berusaha agar dijauhkan daripada sesuatu yang buruk atau meminta diberikan sesuatu yang dihajatkan. Dalam hal ini ada orang yang suka menazarkan sesuatu sekiranya hajatnya terlaksana atau terlepas daripada sesuatu yang tidak diingininya dan ini dilakukan dengan menggantung sepenuh harapan kepada belas ihsan dan kasih sayang Allah S.W.T.
Namun begitu nazar bukanlah suatu gantian yang semestinya diperolehi atau dipenuhi seperti yang diminta bahkan ia hanya sekadar suatu bentuk didikan jiwa agar seseorang itu sentiasa mengingati kekuasaan Allah dan mensyukuri nikmat-Nya.
3 hrs - 42km trip
Bubur pisang ala Thai
Monday, December 29, 2008
And I quote..
Thapap naam
A teaspoon a day
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The show continues..
Yup..the nightly pre-new year concert continues...and tonight it was more crowded than the previous nights. This was probably a local band was performing on the stage and maybe b'coz they sang english songs all the way...anyway the road was congested tonight..baru happening nah..
The after run
Time to do stretching, time to rehydrate, time to sit and rest, time to capture some least on my part...actually I didn't capture many vids and pix coz I was knackered to the max already..I think I ran really fast towards the finishing line..I swear I think I finished number 6 because I remember the face and the attire of the person who overtook me at the last minute as he went up to the stage to claim his trophy since only top five winners were awarded with the trophies...oh least I'm satisfied that I completed the run and had fun through out the day...
Warning: the video can make you dizzy
hahahaha...udah nyangku...paning oleh nya kan..pebaik makai anti shake nieh..nama nya video recording..anti-shake doesn't work..anyway dis was captured during the morning's start of the marathon...