Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tais liur..

..kan makan blueberry cheese cake. I went to Duke's kan membali tah ni. They don't have blueberry cheese cake but cheese cake ada, so the waitress suggested that they can put blueberry jam on top of be it. Skali nya when I opened up the box at my place, rupanya the jam di taruhnya in one small container...hahaha..jadinya..but but..nyaman eh the cake..hahaha..inda nyasal membali..

2009 Thai Cowgirls?

hehe..I was on my way to my regular coffeebar just now when I saw these bargirls were posing for the camera. So, aku apa lagi, ngambil kesempatan lah klik!-klik! jua, and baik jua ku membawa my cellfone..hahaha...

ATV Thrill - 1,459m view

The beautiful view from 1,459m high hill. I enjoyed the fresh air as much as I could. The ATV ride is worth the money though it cost me B$80, I think it doesn't matter coz sioooooooooook kali ah. I'll never get this in Brunei. Life is good.

ATV Thrill - Trailing behind 3

eh cana boleh kediaku ada ani..hehe..terkezut I..hahaha..anyway, I don't why we stopped in the middle of nowhere..

ATV Thrill PART 5

One klik! before rolling again..rolling downhill

Stumbled upon the locals having a picnic?

hahaha..kesian kau babi kan kana salai..hahaha

Some sort of a cultural game by the locals up on the hill. I wanna stop and videoed it but only managed to get a klik! coz I was olready being left behind by the other riders...hahaha..

ATV Thrill - Trailing behind 2

Descending through the main road.

ATV Thrill - Trailing behind 1

Yeah..I've done one out of the three things that I wanna do before the new year arrive. I wanna do the shooting experience today as well but I'm a bit tired after the ATV thrill. Anyway, the ATV ride was awesomely, extremely, amazingly fun...wooohooo...I totally enjoyed it. It was a perfect way to spend the last day of the year 2008. How I wish we have this ATV thrill in Brunei..doing it at the beach is just plain boring.

ATV Thrill PART 4

ATV Thrill PART 3

Enjoying ALLAH's creation

The beautiful view

So calm, peaceful and magnificent

ATV Thrill PART 2

Entering the dirt-road

I was the last ATV driver

Putting on the mask before entering the dirt road

ATV Thrill PART 1

Insurance policy document that needs to signed prior the trip.

Bah pilih tia helmet different sizes and colors.

The people I was riding with, altogether 7 of us, inclu. the guide.

My ride, No. 17 which is coincidentally my fav. #

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Something to share - Nazar

Dari Abu Hurairah katanya, Nabi s.a.w bersabda: Sesungguhnya nazar itu tidak dapat mendekatkan seseorang kepada sesuatu yang ditakdirkan Allah belum akan menjadi miliknya. Tetapi nazar itu sesuai dengan qadar. Dengan nazar dapat dipungut pembayaran dari orang-orang bakhil yang sebelumnya tidak bersedia membayarnya.(Riwayat Muslim)
Huraian :
Setiap pergerakan, langkah dan perjalanan kita di muka bumi ini telah ditentukan oleh Allah S.W.T iaitu qada dan qadar-Nya. Maka tidaklah menjadi suatu yang menghairankan jika sesuatu yang tidak disangka-sangka tiba-tiba berlaku ke atas diri kita sama ada yang baik atau sebaliknya.
Namun begitu kita sebagai hamba-NYA mempunyai hak untuk berusaha agar dijauhkan daripada sesuatu yang buruk atau meminta diberikan sesuatu yang dihajatkan. Dalam hal ini ada orang yang suka menazarkan sesuatu sekiranya hajatnya terlaksana atau terlepas daripada sesuatu yang tidak diingininya dan ini dilakukan dengan menggantung sepenuh harapan kepada belas ihsan dan kasih sayang Allah S.W.T.
Namun begitu nazar bukanlah suatu gantian yang semestinya diperolehi atau dipenuhi seperti yang diminta bahkan ia hanya sekadar suatu bentuk didikan jiwa agar seseorang itu sentiasa mengingati kekuasaan Allah dan mensyukuri nikmat-Nya.

3 hrs - 42km trip

Just some snacks which I thought I'll bring for t'row's adventure of the All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) trip, just in case terasa lapar. It will be a three hour ride along a 42km route and will reach a view point of 1,459m high...wooohoo..its gonna be awesome..and I wanna get dirty..hahaha..I'll update more t'row and thats for sure...

Bubur pisang ala Thai

This morning, I went for a hot latte at the usual place. The owner offered me sortof like bubur pisang ala Thai...macam nyaman usulnya but I have yet to taste. So, I told him that I'd taste a bit. Skali nyaman ani I ate all. Then he offered me, custard buns as well as jujube fruits (phutsa). I just ate one each.

Monday, December 29, 2008

And I quote..

First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win
-Mahatma Gandhi-

Book of the week

I'm done with the book I bought two weeks ago i.e 'The Abduction' by the same author. It was totally awesome, the story has nothing to do with alien abduction..hehehe...and thats the reason being I bought this second book which in fact his first book actually.

Just open..

..yesterday at the Airport Central Mall. I just found out tadi masa ku ke sana. I think Secret Recipe is a Malaysian franchise. Kalau di Secret Recipe ani I especially love eating the cakes...nyaman, scrumptous, not as expensive as the cakes sold in Brunei and yet bigger in slice.

Thapap naam

A word which I tried to find its meaning since afternoon. It was mentioned earlier by my regular coffeebar owner when we were talking about turtles and tortoises. He simply don't know its meaning in English so I asked him to write it in Thai alphabet instead so that I can ask the others what it means. Back at my place, I asked the staffs around and they also couldn't translate it in English. They even laughed at it...hahaha... Feeling unsatisfied and hungry for an answer, I brought the written word to the the Bookazine boookshop where I befriended one of the staff. He laughed it off at first and he couldn't translate it either. The funny thing is he looked for a book on animals just to look for the meaning but to no avail. In the end, I asked him to google it in Thai version. And wala, dats the pic above, Thapap naam. A kind of tortoise with no hump or shell(sort-of)...hahahaha..akhir nya..the moral of the whole story is - when there's a will, there's an answer..hahaha..kes majal..

A teaspoon a day

Biasanya kalau di rumah ku minum sesudu madu asli tiap2 pagi,just before leaving for work. Tadi masa ku otw balik dari late lunch, ku terserempak dengan penjual madu asli. Awal2 atu was-was ku tentang keaslian nya. Tapi bila ku cuba rasa sedikit, it tastes pure honey eh. So ku bali tah one bottle, about $3 lah. Arriving at my place, I made a second test to reaffirm its purity by putting a drop of it on a tissue and put it outside where ants are nearby. Kalau samut atu mengaga and makan madu atu meaning its not original. So I left the tissue for a while. After ku balik dari bejalan, ku liat tah balik tissue ah, nada samut mengaga, pedahal samut atu jalan2 subalahnya. So its confirmed, the honey I bought is pure honey...coz kalau inda ori, selalunya becampur gula and dats why samut mengaga.

Beautiful Blossom

These scenes are quite everywhere here now. And there will be flower festival in February as the winter season comes to a close. There'll be the annual flower show parade as well. Tapi bisai bah,nyaman mata memandang.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The show continues..

Yup..the nightly pre-new year concert continues...and tonight it was more crowded than the previous nights. This was probably a local band was performing on the stage and maybe b'coz they sang english songs all the way...anyway the road was congested tonight..baru happening nah..

The after run

Time to do stretching, time to rehydrate, time to sit and rest, time to capture some least on my part...actually I didn't capture many vids and pix coz I was knackered to the max already..I think I ran really fast towards the finishing line..I swear I think I finished number 6 because I remember the face and the attire of the person who overtook me at the last minute as he went up to the stage to claim his trophy since only top five winners were awarded with the trophies...oh least I'm satisfied that I completed the run and had fun through out the day...

Warning: the video can make you dizzy

hahahaha...udah nyangku...paning oleh nya kan..pebaik makai anti shake nieh..nama nya video recording..anti-shake doesn't work..anyway dis was captured during the morning's start of the marathon...

The best day of my life in 2008

I'm extremely ecstatic because today I participated in my first ever marathon and the funny thing is I had never participated such event even in Brunei. Anyway, perhaps this was my best time ever, I did it in 45 minutes..woohooo..I could have done it better if I got enuff sleep last night, I am sure. Well, at least I got something to hold on to - the memories...I managed to ask someone to take the pic of me at the finishing least ada jua gambar kenang2an. Maybe I'll come here again for the event next year. Its truly fun.

I bought this t-shirt as a token for myself just before I headed back home..hehehe.. I think I'm gonna take a nap.

Post-Marathon Scene PART 3

The tired feet, the medal, the certificate and the top five runners in their category.

Post-Marathon scene PART 2

People queuing up for the free breakfast meal, seemed to be a chix rice for everyone

A booth handling winners finishing the run from first to fifth position

Free isotonic drink for everyone. I got myself two cups before heading to the nearby Starbucks for breakfast..hehe..

Post-Marathon scene PART 1

These schoolkids waiting for their turn for the run at 8am.

Runners having a rest

More runners finishing the race

Ready to roll

Taking position at the starting point

Start/Finish line

Ready to roll
Ahaks!..The scene before the mini marathon (10km) started..the marathon and half marathon started earlier...I got up at 515am and haven't got much sleep during the night coz there were a bunch of people at the nearby garden outside my room having beers and making lotsof noises..

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Salam Maal Hijrah

Kepada semua:

Pedoman Maal Hijrah 1430

“Sesungguhnya manusia itu sangat ingkar kepada (nikmat) tuhannya. Sesungguhnya (manusia) atas yang demikian itu adalah menyaksikan. Sesungguhnya ia sangat cinta kepada harta benda (tamak).” (Surah al-’Adiyat, ayat 6-8)
MANUSIA mempunyai satu dorongan amat kuat untuk memiliki sesuatu dan mahukannya berkekalan. Perasaan ingin memiliki, dimiliki dan ingin kekal sudah menjadi tabiat semula jadi manusia itu sendiri. Bermula dengan perasaan ingin memiliki yang menimbulkan pula semangat untuk berusaha, kemudian apabila sudah memiliki akan mendorongnya bercita-cita terus mengekalkannya. Isu ingin menjadi kekal inilah yang dimanipulasikan oleh syaitan kepada Nabi Adam dan Hawa hingga kedua-duanya terpedaya. Islam tidak pernah menghalang kehendak manusia, tetapi ajaran Islam membendung manusia supaya tidak melampau batas penghidupan yang akan merosakkan dirinya dan masyarakat sekelilingnya. Berlawanan dengan sifat tamakkan kebendaan ini, Islam meraikan konsep zuhud. Namun, perlu difahami zuhud tidak bererti meninggalkan dunia secara total, tetapi bermaksud mengambil daripada dunia ini sekadar keperluan.

Happy Birthday

Currently its the box office hit movie here...though I have no idea what's the story about but I can tell that its another love story movie..maybe a sad one..hehe..

Some people got talent...

...but mine is tasting food errr aka makan..hahaha..apakan..anyway, mochi salted egg durian filling - dats the name of the sort-of-biscuit I tasted just now...weird combination of food...mochi atu rasa durian but isinya talor masin yang merah nya..hehe..tapi doesn't make sense pulang..kalau dalam bahasa melayu nya,biskut durian inti talor masin..hahaha..

Anyway, the owner of the coffeebar that I always frequented. is a one talented person in wood-working..he made the cupboard miniatures below which he and his wife use for keeping coins accordingly to their value and sizes..bisai ah..

Feet massage

Now dats what I called a pre-marathon feet massage..hahaha..haven't got one in a why not..hehehe..the massage was really good...ngantuk jua oleh nya kan tetidor-tidor...

Quickie lunch

Just had the Chocolate muffin for lunch..I know its not healthy..hahaha..but I bought some ready cut pineapple and watermelon on the way home..just in case karang lapar..haha..anyway, I don't like the Choco muffin..nda nyaman..I'd prefer the Blueberry muffin..