Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just B$2

I actually wanna tapau food at a Malay restaurant..tempat ku biasa makan or tapau,but otw there I passed by this roadside food vendor (in a cart) yg. selalu ku lintasi pulang tapi hari ani curious ku apa makanan yg. di jualnya ku subuk2 tah perimpan nya ku liat mcm nyaman, apa lagi tapau lah...(daging masak kari and talur masak kari)...hehe..then otw balik ku singgah beli fresh honeydew juice at the nearby night market..all in all, both only cost me B$2..innit cheap? Balik rumah, tarus ngap eh..kes lapar..mana kan inda,I think ku hangus 2,000 calories hari ani..I had a 12km walk to watch a movie "the day the earth stood still"..and then after the movie I went for a 10km run lagi..Btw, the movie is just okay..just okay lah..

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