Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Keraja tia udah

Mcm inda kerasaan saja 3 hari cuti atu..sekajap banar masa berlalu. Kali pasal Hari Raya start hari 1 atu kali..anyway, its the third day of Syawal today and start udah keraja..tapi baik jua skool alum start, at least inda ada traffic congestion tadi pagi plus most of the civil servants are taking their leave during this festive season. The invitations of Raya open house are already swarming in meaning kalau time keraja its free least save jua budget..hahaha..coz we all know that the next payday is another 34 days away...batah jua tu..Anyway, seperti biasa Raya tahun ani seperti tahun2 yang sudah..ala kadar saja...bukan nya apa takut membazir kalau labih2 celebrate atu esp. kalau open haus..First day, as usual my whole family berkumpul di rumah after Solat Sunat Raya and bertakbir Raya di rumah and tarus membaca Doa Selamat and Doa tolak bala..Second day, all my cuzens on my dad side and all my uncles and aunts and families from my mom side datang kerumah..yatah mun di kanang siok jua time raya ani bila mana keluarga berkumpul-kumpul serta bermaaf-maafan..updating each other's life apa..but one thing I like to do during Raya is to stay at home..jaga rumah and of course watch astro...lagipun masa time Raya ani tah banyak kes kecurian disana-sini...usually Bruneians tend to suspect org luar punya angkara esp. org Indon when in fact most of them if not all are done by orang Brunei sendiri..the moral of the story is: Take precautions when leaving the house and don't make any false assumptions..

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