Thursday, September 3, 2009

Visiting noy at RIPAS Hospital

Last night, I went to the hospital with zul and era to visit noy who got injuries during the recent freak car accident that killed a mother of five at Junjungan a couple of days ago. Kesian c noy, both her arms and her right leg are broken.Yang kesian nya lagi two of the children involved in the accident are still in critical condition while the other three remain in stable condition. According to noy the other car suddenly swerved in front of her car and caused the head on collision.There are two possibilities why the car was swerving; either the driver was sleepy or a mishap happened in the car while the mother drove the car, imagine with 5 children in the car, kids joke and fight without any space limits...who knows tekana tia steering kah apa..mana tau kan..anyway, we hope noy would recover soon. She will have a surgery today to fix her right leg kah nya..good for her she fastened the seat belt when the accident happened..and the airbags saved her a lot jua walaupun muha nya ada begaritan dikit gara gara airbag.. if not..nauzubillah and god knows what would happen..Eventho, it was a short visit last night, we made her laugh thru out the visit..she wanted to laff it out loud tapi mun ketawa pun sakit2..dui malai ku kesian..hehehe...anyway the moral of the story is let us remind ourselves to always fasten up while driving and bertawakal before leaving the house or before driving and buy a car that has always drive carefully and courteously..

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