Sunday, November 15, 2009

I talk when I talk

but I usually like to listen, assimilate and express my thoughts...I am actually a quiet person if people really notice but not in a sense that quiet quiet..I meant I don't usually talk about my personal stuff...its not because of fear,but primarily because of trust..I don't open up to people or my friends easily unless they open up to me first..but I don't expect them to be...I have always consider my friends as my family...coz once I got out of the house, we meet up and take care of each other..all my life since I started work I like to make the ends meet for my family and friends..caring them so much that sometimes I neglect my own..yang penting if they are happy, I am is not important to me, bagi ku I spend only cukup2 untuk makan,minum di rumah, fuel and pakaian..and of course some saving..selebih nya ku suka belanja kawan2 makan or minum..ku niatkan semua atu sedekah and I hope they don't got me wrong jua if most of the time kami keluar ku belanja saja well not all the time jua..if they must know memang dari masa ku start keraja di Shell udah ku cemani..dan nda ku pernah minta balas balik apa..yang penting keikhlasan atu...

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