Sunday, November 15, 2009

Its been a long time..

since I did not jot down anything in this blog..bukan nya apa..primarily jua I have been shutting all access to this blog..ada tah reason nya for now,I am the only one who can access the blog,nama nya tuan punya..anyway,doesn't matter. I'm just gonna continue jotting down here for as long as I can as this is the place I can trash everything out - happiness, sadness, joy, feelings, opinions but for now I can't share the blog with my friends, dear friends. Anyway, I have been hectic lately with work and today I am not feeling very well, a bit feverish and I have to cancel my supposedly 21km run t'row morning..oh well maybe next time..earlier in the evening, I took a short nap before going out to meet up my friends at Sagar Restaurant.Its been wet since after work until now.I took some panadol but I still feel the cold, I think its the wind jua. I don't know why I am so feverish within a short span of time, rasa ku balum batah jua ku damam and malas ku kan membawa ke klinik..ngalih..anyway back to the saturday nite outing ani, lapas dari Sagar tadi we had hot drinks at Matadoe and finally we did the Saturday Mc D thingy at last since ages ago..ramai jua org eh d Mc D ah..but not the usual crowd..anyway, our friends Abi and Atol ada tadi..esp. Abi,batah udah inda jumpa ia and I'm glad seeing both of them..

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