Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Izzit really wednesday?

Its already mid week and I still thought its Monday today...anyway, I woke up late this morning and I came late to the office, 715am ku sampai ofis..usually I arrive before 645am everyday except Saturday..pasal Saturday weekend, so I usually come at 8am on that day...and I usually leave office at 415pm everyday...primarily because kan jogging and menasek since masa ani by 6pm galap udah hari and maghrib awal jua...lagipun its just 15 mins early ku leave ofis and minus ku datang everyday pun still its 45 mins the ofis still owe me my working hours everyday IF ku kan bekira..and IF atu pun kan kana question or kana tagur...I'm not surprise one of these days that someone in the office will complain abt me leaving ofis as early as 415pm...and I don't really care either...nowadays people likes to see and talk only the bad things about other people...its both occupational hazard and politics is prevalent everywhere, for the sake of one's own self interest, backstabbing is no longer an option, its the only way...

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