Monday, October 26, 2009

Are you one of the robots?

I remember when our beloved King mentioned about the bosses being robots..well, up until now I still refer them as robots when I talk with my colleagues...hehe..below are the top ten negative and true attitudes of the robots regardless where they are stationed at;
1) They always think that they are always right
2) They always assume and believe in negative assumptions
3) They are always hypocrite and egoistic
4) They always place their self interest first
5) They can't accept No for an answer from their human subordinates
6) They are always mad at their human subordinates when the higher ranking robots are mad at them
7) They are always the classic ass kisser and backstab at each other to secure higher position.
8) They seldom smile and seldom appreciate their human subordinates
9) They always blame their human subordinates for anything
10) They always forget who they are before they became robots..hehe..
These attitudes will resulted in the following consequences to the robots;
1) Stress, stress and more stress
2) Ageing due to stress
3) Hair falling and eventually became bald and hair became grey due to ageing..hahaha..its true..
4) Stroke/heart attack due to stress and ageing
5) Discontent by their human subordinates
Feel free to add up or comment on the list above. Agree or disagree, its your call..innit...hehehe..

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