Saturday, October 17, 2009

So be it..

Masa ani I'm sure cerita pasal aku di office flying around..and I'm sure people will see me differently and negatively...I know its my reputation and future career prospect on the line and so far I've been denied to defend my reputation and to tell the real be it..asalkan ku tahu aku inda salah.. Kepada orang yang menabur fitnah atu, ku doakan agar dibukakan hati nya untuk bertaubat dan insaf serta di lindungi dari melakukan perkara-perkara yang terkutuk. Nda ku tau apa motif nya membuat cerita ani terhadap ku but this is what I will do..I'm going to sustain my work ethics, to be more progressive and improvise in anyway I can and most importantly I will continue to work responsibly, wisely and honestly for the sake of my department, the ministry, the government and kerana ALLAH jua. I don't care what people at work will say, good or bad..I'm just gonna be carefree about them. Walaupun reputation ku di ofis masa ani maybe buruk udah...aku mampu bersabar dan berdoa saja kerana orang2 yang sabar atu selalu berada dalam kemenangan dan doa atu ada lah senjata orang mukmin...dan yang paling penting ALLAH maha mengetahui segala2 nya...

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