Thursday, October 29, 2009

Like it never rained before

Its raining heavily masa ani...luckily I did not go out for lunch coz if not I would be stuck in the traffic I left my payung at home..biasa nya ada dlm mutuka ku..anyway, lain saja ujan nya ani..mcm its gonna rain for a few hours and we all know what it means kalau ujan labat cemani ani..but I hope it will stop soon..coz kalau inda beranti how am I suppose to go for a run later at the stadium..I am so totally craving for a run..batah udah ku inda belusir and only yesterday we went menasek and it was really satisfying...siok bawa belari naik Bukit Sarang Helang atu, paluh pun limpar oleh nya..hehehe..and I'm going for another run di sana esok pagi coz patang I can't do any sports activities at all as my niece is having the Mandi Belawat thingy..rupanya ada masih function ani di Brunei..I tot inda lagi exist..hehehe..but I hope esok patang the weather will be good during the function..biar tia ujan sepuas puas nya masa it never rained before..

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